CLING RING is a film, text and installation by Darren Tesar, featuring audio and artwork contributions by Brandon Cramm and the imagery of Song-yun Kim.
CLING RING began as remake of the film [ ] by way of it being conceived as an essay written inside the subtitle track (.srt) of the 1992 version of [ ]. Sections of description from the novel [ ] by [ ] were later introduced.
CLING RING is made possible by the imagery of Song-yun Kim, yet directed, sequenced and purposed by Darren Tesar. (Editing, processing or manipulation of the images was not allowed.)
CLING RING marks the first time Tesar’s writing has been repurposed for audio and speech, which has been entrusted to Brandon Cramm. In order to emphasize the spectatorial quality of everything in (and coming into) the space, Cramm has chosen to have the spoken audio track stand separately as its own entity within the viewing space.
CLING RING is a type of dis(tancing)-appearance made possible by and out of a prolonged proximity maintained between entities. Prolonged proximities that produce a kind of material pidgin—a grammatically simplified means of communication that develops between two or more groups that do not have a language in common. The result is a production and maintenance of signs that are doubly non-native, meaning the author and object/subject are both made into partial objects. This notion of partial plays off all three of its possible meanings, namely having a particular liking or fondness for something or someone, that, by nature of its sentimentality (a form of bias or prejudice), relates to being or affectation only in part, not total; incomplete.

00:12:46,080 --> 00:12:50,551
That's not[…] [
00:12:50,760 --> 00:12:53,320
[ ][m][e][ ][—] a[ ]part[ ]
[and] as a housing [ ]
00:12:54,360 --> 00:12:56,635
- No[thing real]?
- Yeah
00:12:56,840 --> 00:12:58,796
Now take a […][ ]
00:13:08,680 --> 00:13:13,390
[ ] city[:] realize[ ] there[’s] [ ]
no barrier between here and the [ ]
00:13:13,600 --> 00:13:17,115
[ ] highway [ ]
to keep the [ ] cut[,] [ ]
00:13:17,320 --> 00:13:19,709
[ ][e][xact [
] some alter[ity][ ]
00:13:19,920 --> 00:13:24,596
[ ] [ ][C]overed[,] [ ] block[ed] in
[with] plaster and [ ]old [ ] condos
00:13:24,800 --> 00:13:28,588
- How [ ] did [ ] this place[…][ ]
- Don't ask
00:13:31,320 --> 00:13:33,276
[ ] [ ][W]ait till you see this
00:13:35,720 --> 00:13:37,676
He[ ]’s the proof
00:13:42,240 --> 00:13:44,196
[ ] or killer[ ],
00:13:44,840 --> 00:13:48,389
[ ][…] don't know which[ ][ ]
[ ][A]she[s][ ] [slipping] through the
[ ]…
00:13:48,600 --> 00:13:50,556
See, there's no w[ ][i]ll [ ]here
00:13:50,760 --> 00:13:54,150
Only a [ ] chest[—beating—] separat[ ]
[ing] us from [ ][one an]other[:] a[ ]partment
00:13:55,680 --> 00:13:58,114
[ ][M]ould [to pour,] some[ ]b[lo]od
[ ] to[ ]let
00:13:58,320 --> 00:14:01,630
- [ ] [ ][A][ ]part[ ][re]me[ai]n[ ]s
- Are you sure[ ][you are…]
00:14:02,680 --> 00:14:04,033
[ ][ ][t]here[ ][?]
00:14:04,880 --> 00:14:06,836
[ ] Now take a look
00:14:10,400 --> 00:14:12,789
[ [ ] ][r]ing[ing]][ ] ]
00:14:13,000 --> 00:14:15,230
- [At] [ ][w]hat?
- I saw a light go on
00:14:15,440 --> 00:14:17,396
[ ] [ ][N]obody[’s] there
00:14:17,920 --> 00:14:19,876
- Psyche [ [ ]laughing[ ] ]
- [Wait,] [ ][t]hat’s not [ ]
00:14:22,600 --> 00:14:24,909
- [ ] me at all
- Yeah, right
00:14:30,880 --> 00:14:33,314
You don't believe [
], do you?
00:14:33,520 --> 00:14:35,590
I don't Do you?
00:14:35,800 --> 00:14:36,755
[ [ ]No[ one there] [ ] ]
00:28:34,320 --> 00:28:36,834
You do[ubt] [ ] the story,
do[ubt][ ] you[rself]?
00:28:37,520 --> 00:28:38,475
00:28:39,520 --> 00:28:42,398
[loud laughter]
00:28:46,440 --> 00:28:48,396
Then [ ] bury me[ ]
[again and again ]
00:28:52,640 --> 00:28:55,712
The [ ]end first [ ]
00:28:57,200 --> 00:28:59,475
[ ][ ]as the s[um]
[ ] of a [ ]
00:29:00,640 --> 00:29:04,952
[ ] a[ ]mass[ ][—] [
] design[at]ing[ ] [ ]
00:29:05,160 --> 00:29:08,038
[ ]
[ ][A]fter[?] [ ]
00:29:09,920 --> 00:29:12,229
[ ][ ] [ ]
[ ][S]ent to[…] [ ]
00:29:12,440 --> 00:29:14,396
[ ] [not] grown up in [ ]
00:29:16,760 --> 00:29:19,718
[T][ ][h]e[y] had [
00:29:21,200 --> 00:29:25,830
and [ ] sought after [
00:29:26,040 --> 00:29:28,679
[ ] in a[n ever
“anding”] portrait
00:29:30,320 --> 00:29:33,118
[Already many of the surrounding buildings
had disappeared beneath the proliferating vegetation]
00:29:33,320 --> 00:29:35,959
that [ ]miss[ ]ed
[ ] a wea[ ]th[ered][ ] land[ ][—][dr]owne[d][ ]
00:29:36,160 --> 00:29:38,833
[by the will] to capture [
00:29:41,520 --> 00:29:43,829
[ ]
[ ][T]hey fell deep [ ] [[ ]
blotted out the white rectangular faces,
shading the lizards in their window lairs][—]]
00:29:44,040 --> 00:29:46,759
[ ] sta[ ]gnant[ion]
00:29:47,800 --> 00:29:49,631
[ ]
[ ][ ][[T]he endless
tides of silt had begun to accumulate
into enormous glittering banks,]
00:29:49,840 --> 00:29:51,796
Poor[er] [ ]and[ ]

00:29:55,520 --> 00:29:58,557
[ ] f[ ][ur]ther execut[ ][ing]
a terrible revenge[ ][,]
00:29:59,920 --> 00:30:02,559
[ ] a pack of brutal [offs]hoo[t][ ]s
to do the de[ ][a]d[ening work]
00:30:04,680 --> 00:30:07,831
], [[each of
which seems to represent
one of [ ] spinal levels]]
00:30:09,000 --> 00:30:13,596
where they proceeded to saw
[ ]and [ ] rust[ ][…]
00:30:15,200 --> 00:30:19,398
- No one came [ ]
- [screaming]
00:30:19,600 --> 00:30:22,319
But this was just the beginning[…]
[ ]
00:30:22,520 --> 00:30:28,152
[ ]
[ ][L]ives, filled with hung[e]r[ ]
00:30:28,360 --> 00:30:30,510
[screaming continues]
00:30:30,720 --> 00:30:34,156
[ ]
and stole[n] [ ]com[munion][ ]
00:30:34,360 --> 00:30:37,477
[through a succession of ever stranger
landscapes centered on [ ]][…]
00:30:40,480 --> 00:30:43,756
[ ][hu]man[ity] [ ] st[r]ung to death
00:30:45,520 --> 00:30:48,193
<|>[ ] burn[ing][…][ ] [B][ ]od[ ][ies]</|>
<|>on a giant pyre</|>
00:30:48,400 --> 00:30:51,153
<|>[ ] scattered [ ] ashes</|>
00:35:12,040 --> 00:35:12,995
Hell[ ]?
00:35:16,080 --> 00:35:18,036
00:35:24,640 --> 00:35:26,596
00:36:10,320 --> 00:36:11,878
00:41:23,040 --> 00:41:25,508
- What?
- You[ ] believe [ ]
00:41:27,920 --> 00:41:31,629
- [ ][t]he pictures[?][ ]
- A[n] [ ]end [ ] mine[d,] saved [and][ ]
00:41:33,040 --> 00:41:36,112
[ ] written [ ] off
The camera [ ] sma[rter][ ]
00:41:36,320 --> 00:41:39,118
[ ] b[y][ ] ta[ ]king
[ ] some publi[c][ ]
00:41:39,320 --> 00:41:42,756
[ ] interest[ ]
[ ] [ ][T]he local[—]section[ed][ ]
00:41:42,960 --> 00:41:44,996
[ ]a[nd] be[ing] publi[cized]
[ ][—]
00:41:45,200 --> 00:41:47,953
[ ] over[turning any] tomorrow[
] [from] get[ting] started
00:41:48,160 --> 00:41:50,116
- [ ]
- [ ]
00:41:59,480 --> 00:42:01,436
[horn beeping]
00:42:27,920 --> 00:42:29,876
[distorted [hu]man[ ] voice][:] Hell[o][ ]…
00:42:31,640 --> 00:42:32,914
Yes[?][ ]
00:42:33,120 --> 00:42:35,076
Hell[o][ ]…
00:42:42,360 --> 00:42:44,112
Who is that?
00:42:47,400 --> 00:42:49,152
[ ] [ ][I]s that [you]?
00:42:51,360 --> 00:42:52,759
[ ]…
00:42:52,960 --> 00:42:54,916
I came f[ ]r[om] you
00:43:14,880 --> 00:43:16,393
Do I know you?
00:43:16,600 --> 00:43:18,079
00:43:18,280 --> 00:43:21,750
No, but you doubt[ ]
00:43:22,640 --> 00:43:27,111
[ ] [ ][S]orry[?][ ]
I have to [
] [be your] need [ ]
00:43:31,480 --> 00:43:33,710
[ ] I'm late
00:43:33,920 --> 00:43:36,753
You are not [your own] content[ ]
[ ][W]ith[in] [ ] stories,
00:43:36,960 --> 00:43:39,758
[ ] I [ ]li[n]ge[r][ ] to [be]come[ ]
00:43:43,920 --> 00:43:45,035
[[ ][n]igh[t] [fall’]s]
00:43:46,640 --> 00:43:48,278
[ ] victim[,][ ]
00:43:51,840 --> 00:43:53,796
[to] [ ][b]e[ing] my [own] [ ]
00:43:57,120 --> 00:44:00,157
I [f]a[il][ ] [ ][w]he[n] writing
[f]o[rces][ ] [ ][an] [ ]all,
00:44:00,360 --> 00:44:03,158
[ ] whisper[s] in[to] [ ]a[ ]roo[d][ ]
00:44:03,360 --> 00:44:06,830
Without [ ][be]ings,
I am no[ ]thing
00:44:07,040 --> 00:44:10,316
[ ]
00:44:11,120 --> 00:44:14,874
[<div ]c[lass=“container”>]me with me
- [[ ][hu]man screaming]
00:44:17,240 --> 00:44:19,196
[moaning, crying]
00:44:23,440 --> 00:44:25,396
[moaning, sobbing]
00:44:25,840 --> 00:44:27,796
00:44:29,040 --> 00:44:30,996
[wailing [growing more distant]]
00:51:01,920 --> 00:51:03,876
But it's crossed your mind?
00:51:07,880 --> 00:51:11,475
[ ] [ ][A]nything[?][ ]
[ ][A]ny detail, however small[?][ ]
00:51:11,680 --> 00:51:15,878
[ ] [ ][Y]ou[r] [ ] recall [ ]
help[s] us substantiate [ ]our version of events[ ][ ]
00:51:16,080 --> 00:51:19,072
[[ ] [ ][ ]lack[ ][ing] out[ ]]
I mean, I
00:51:19,280 --> 00:51:21,748
[I] don't know[ ] [ ][W]hat happened[?]
[ ]